Add the script to your website

Steps to add the script

  1. Copy-paste this script tag into to <head> of your website.

<script defer src=""></script>
  1. Then, copy-paste this element where you want the Takyon info button to be. Use the data-lang key to show the modal in the customer's language, by default is "en".

Supported lang values are: it, en, es, de, ar, fr, ru, pt, bn, hi, zh

<div data-lang="en" class="takyon-scripts-target-info"></div>

Additional accessibility

You can set a custom ID to each info tag and open/close the modals programmatically.

<div data-lang="en" data-id="YOUR_CUSTOM_ID" class="takyon-scripts-target-info"></div>

You can then call the JS function injected in the browser to toggle the modal:

toggleTakyonModal("YOUR_CUSTOM_ID", true); // open
toggleTakyonModal("YOUR_CUSTOM_ID", false); // close

Last updated